Lode Runner 2 (M62-E-SUB)

Lode Runner 2 (M62-E-A)

Lode Runner 2 (M62-A-B)

Lode Runner 2 (M62-B-C)

Lode Runner: The Bungelin Strikes Back

None of the eproms have original LR2 labels, the bproms have originals though.
It's a converted Lode Runner 1 PCB thats why it still has the license seal for Lode Runner 1. It's the "SUB" PCB thats unique for LR2.
This is the best of the IREM Lode Runner games.
Most of the time it goes by the name "Lode Runner 2" as it's IREM's second LR game but is really called "Lode Runner: The Bungelin Strikes Back".